"Meat Week" on NPR's Morning Edition

Each morning this week, I have been intrigued to listen to a new feature from National Public Radio's "Meat Week."  These daily reports have covered a variety of topics directly related to the policies that we talk about in the LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law.

In case you have missed the series so far, the first three reports are embedded below, with links to additional information on The Salt, the NPR blog on food issues. They are well worth your time.

The Making of Meat-Eating America - How and why did the U.S. come to lead the world of meat-eaters?

 Nation of Meat-Eaters: How It All Adds Up

Consider that it takes 52.8 gallons of water to produce one quarter-pound hamburger.
Also discussed: why American consumers are eating less meat now than in the past.

  And, today, Unlike Chicken and Pork, Beef Still Begins With Small Family Ranches"The cattle industry is shaped like a bottle � wider at the bottom with lots of ranchers, smaller at the top with just four meatpacking companies."



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