Agrarian Revolution: Marxist Sociology & Exemplary Social Science

In the course of reading and research for a bibliography on �philosophy, psychology, and methodology for the social sciences,� I came across an intriguing discussion of a book by Jeffery M. Paige, Agrarian Revolution: Social Movements and Export Agriculture in the Underdeveloped World (New York: Free Press, 1975). Paige�s study is invoked by Harold Kincaid in Philosophical Foundations of the Social Sciences : Analyzing Controversies in Social Research (Cambridge University Press, 1996) as �an exemplary piece of social science research.�* I was particularly intrigued owing to my professional (such as it is, being an adjunct instructor) and political interest�to put it blandly�in (among other things) Marxism , for Paige is motivated by a Marxist sociological orientation in ascertaining �the primary causes of agrarian behavior, particularly in developing countries,� yet his study is not simply a predictable or banal academic exercise of �doctrinaire Marxism.� As Kincaid proceeds to sho...