Walmart Announces Policies on Animal Welfare and Antibiotic Use in Livestock Production
On May 22, Walmart announced its new policy on animal welfare and antibiotic use, Walmart U.S. Announces New Animal Welfare and Antibiotics Positions: Company Outlines Expectations for Suppliers to Walmart U.S. and Sam�s Club U.S., as Part of Commitment to Sustainable Supply Chain . As the world's largest food retailer, Walmart often sets the standards for the supply chain. This has been cast in terms of lowering the bar for production standards as a means of lowering costs. Sometimes, however, as in this case, Walmart can also decide to raise the bar. The announcement includes Walmart's support for the "globally recognized ' Five Freedoms ' of animal welfare." For example, included in the announcement is a call to suppliers to "[f]ind and implement solutions to address animal welfare concerns in housing systems. . . " The announcement also takes on the pervasive use of antimicrobials in livestock and poultry production. It supports the elimination...