
Showing posts from March, 2015

Differences between Monocot and Dicot

Flowering plants are classified into two major groups called dicots and monocots. However, this is a very fuzzy distinction which botanists do not agree upon simply because there are monocots that possess some characters of dicots. This is not a fault of the botanists though; this has got to do with shared ancestry of the two groups of flowering plants. Despite similarities, there are many differences between monocots and dicots that will be discussed in this article. To begin with, the major difference between monocots and dicots is revealed by their names. While monocot has a single cotyledon, dicots have two cotyledons. These are seed endosperms that are contained within the seed coat (testa). If you have seen a softened bean seed, you can divide it into two halves revealing the contained seed endosperm. Inside a bean seed there is a tiny plant called embryo. The two halves of the seed are called cotyledons. These halves serve the purpose of supplying food to the young plant when ...

Some definations

Baor - An abandoned meander isolated from the main stream channel by deposition, and filled with water. Beel - Low lying depression on a floodplain, sometimes drying up in the dry season and small compared to Haor. Bog - A wetland characterized by peat deposits, acidic water, and extensive surface mats of sphagnum moss. Bogs receive their water from precipitation rather than from runoff, groundwater, or streams, with decreases the availability of nutrients needed for plant growth. Climate - The average weather conditions in a region over long periods of time.                               Cropping pattern - The yearly sequence of growing crops followed in a given locality is called the cropping pattern of that locality. Deforestation - The removal of a forest stand where the land is put to a non-forest use. Ecosystem - An ecosystem is a d...

Cultural practices of cactus (????????)

INTRODUCTION Cactus family is not popular among Bangladeshi horticulturists in these days, scarcely half a dozen species out of about a thousand known being considered good enough to be included among favorite garden plants. Probably five hundred kinds have been, or are, in cultivation in the gardens of the few specialists who take an interest in Cactuses; but these are practically unknown in English horticulture. It is not, however, very many years ago that there was something like a Cactus mania, when rich amateurs vied with each other in procuring and growing large collections of the rarest and newest kinds. "About the year 1830, Cacti began to be specially patronized by several rich plant amateurs . Why have Cactuses gone out of favor? It is impossible to give any satisfactory answer to this question. No doubt they belong to that class of objects which is only popular whilst it pleases the eye or tickles the fancy; and the eye and the fancy having tired of it, look to somet...