LL.M. Program: Agricultural and Food Law Opportunities
I am looking forward to blogging about the robotic milking technology that Jim Chen @chenx064 tweeted about this week, and I will get to that first thing tomorrow. Today, I'd like to do a brief announcement / recruiting pitch. We have some exciting opportunities for recent law graduates and experienced attorneys who are interested in the subjects we write about in this blog - agriculture, food, rurality, sustainability, natural resources, and the environment. I am sure that Agricultural Law readers will agree that there are fascinating, important, and incredibly complex issues in this area. The LL.M. Program in Agricultural & Food Law is pleased to announce an expanded curriculum that includes new courses on emerging issues such as urban agriculture, food justice, and local/regional foods. Changes in the 2014 Farm Bill, including the farm programs, crop insurance, enhanced support for organic agriculture, and the nutrition programs are incorporated throughout our curr...