The Debate Over the King Amendment Grows

The Protect Interstate Commerce Act, a Farm Bill amendment more commonly known as the "King Amendment" because of its author, Representative Steve King from Iowa, continues to generate controversy. The King amendment would prevent states from imposing standards on products brought in from other states. It was written to prevent state-enacted humane standards for raising livestock, such as the California law that regulates the size of chicken cages in egg factories. According to the Iowa Egg Council, Iowa leads the nation in egg production, with nearly 60 million laying hens producing nearly 15 billion eggs per year. Alice Daniel/KQED The King Amendment has fueled fierce opposition from animal welfare proponents . In addition, however, it is also opposed by those who favor state and local control and who resent any federal preemption of the right of states to legislate. See , letter from fifteen Republican Congressmen opposing the King Amendment (July 2013) ...