Maine Law Review Food Law Symposium Articles Available
Announcement from the Maine Law Review (edited for this post): On February 23, 2013, the Maine Law Review organized a day-long conference in Portland, Maine devoted to discussing emerging issues in food law and policy. This conference, Colloquium: Local Food, Global Food: Do We Have What It Takes to Reinvent the U.S. Food System? brought together more than a dozen legal scholars from around the country, including some from our Agricultural Law bloggers. The audience was comprised of members of the legal community, policymakers, farmers, and community organizers. The conference became a forum for exploring the many ways in which people are challenging conventional thinking about U.S. food systems, and the hurdles they face in so doing. To continue to facilitate the exchange of ideas about these important and relevant issues, the Maine Law Review has devoted much of Volume 65:2 to legal scholarship on food law and policy. The spring volume, which includes sixtee...