Thoughts on the Sugar Support Program

The sugar program is back in the news. Alexandra Wexler of the Wall Street Journal reported this week, Big Sugar Is Set for a Sweet Bailout: Candy Makers Will Suffer if the U.S. Government Buys Sugar . I am not usually moved to write about my concerns for the candy industry. My concern about sugar generally goes in the other direction. For example, consider the upcoming IATP webinar, Sickly Sweet: The Science and Policy of Fructose Overconsumption in America (Mon., Mar. 18, 2013 11:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m. CDT) and the recent book by Michael Moss, Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us. However, my interest peaked when I read the news reports that our "no-cost" federal sugar program may cost U.S. taxpayers a significant amount of money this year. And yet, I recently heard from a friend in Minnesota that sugar beet profits are way high - great crop last fall. So, I wanted to explore - The sugar program has been around for a long time. Although sugar supp...